Monday, April 20, 2009

Axioms For The Resurgence

There has been a growing buzz surrounding campus of sebts. Much of this due to the growing heart of a school President that cares for the Gospel, and wears it on his sleeves. The pinnacle of such a heart being expressed in a recent Chapel address on campus. It was delivered by Danny Akin in the 12 Axioms for A Great Commission Resurgence. So much of this address backed by some of the leading men of the SBC is inline with my heart (or I should probably say mine with theirs) in the push once again for the Glocal Reformission.
Looking at the just the title, one must understand to meaning of Axioms. It is defined as a self-evident truth that requires no proof; a universally accepted principle or rule. ( This describes well the 12 statments of Truth laid out in the message. No one would deny the things that need to take place. We are all are all ready to accept these truths, as we have every agreeance to do such a thing. However, we are so prone to only go that far. We will only acknowledge this blantant truths as mere statments, and will refuse with our lives to practice to imperatives wighted so heavy in the statments. The Great Commission is all about the acceptance, but also heavy in the practice. In the Glocal Reformission we are so quick to affirm the reform, but are so hesitant to carry out the mission. I agree with everyone who says this mission can only be carried out properly when it is grounded in the truth we seek to stand on boldly. However, we are far to comfortable in setting up our proverbial lounge chairs on that mountain and retire with our lives.
Let us be people of the Reform as well as carrying out the Mission. Let us imbed our lives in the glocal calling by carrying out the Great Commission by obeying the Great Commandment that we might serve to the Glory of our Great God. Holding fast to the axioms of Scripture and flying hight the banner of Salvation.
Check out for the A of a GCR message.

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