CIS1100 Internet Project Answers
1.) The long awaited seed of the Women from Genesis 3 is ever getting closer!
2.) Picture of the Genealogy:
3.) Daniel Rounsaville
4.) Theme: TBD
5.) Columbus, OH
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Ever Moving Body

Thinking about the modern church, I feel somewhere in the history of the Church a error has cause a great loss to occur. Somewhere along the lines the defining of the Church has gotten wrapped in the mentality of a brick structure of a building than the Christ headed structure of a body. Though many understand this and consider it oh so elementary, I can't help but to reflect on the notion that its simplicity has caused it to be overlooked and undervalued. When we gather in something rather than gather because of someone, we lose the essential hinge that binds us together. It is easy for me to occupy a time slot; it takes everything for me to step up and function in the role God has placed me in. This has an impact on drive to me missional aspiring to go make disciples of every tribe, tongue, and nation. To lose an eye on the function of the Church is to lose the Glocal mentality God compels us to obey.
Paul stated it like this to the Corinthians, "For the Body is not one member, but many. If the foot says,"Because I am not a hand, I am not part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "Because I am not an eye, I am not part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has places the members, each one of the them, in the body, just as He desired...And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ's Body, and individually members of it."
Let us aspire to serve the function God has called us to. Pondering that we are called to function like a body, and not get wrapped in the mentality of associating the Church with a building by rather the Body of Christ.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Axioms For The Resurgence
There has been a growing buzz surrounding campus of sebts. Much of this due to the growing heart of a school President that cares for the Gospel, and wears it on his sleeves. The pinnacle of such a heart being expressed in a recent Chapel address on campus. It was delivered by Danny Akin in the 12 Axioms for A Great Commission Resurgence. So much of this address backed by some of the leading men of the SBC is inline with my heart (or I should probably say mine with theirs) in the push once again for the Glocal Reformission.
Looking at the just the title, one must understand to meaning of Axioms. It is defined as a self-evident truth that requires no proof; a universally accepted principle or rule. ( This describes well the 12 statments of Truth laid out in the message. No one would deny the things that need to take place. We are all are all ready to accept these truths, as we have every agreeance to do such a thing. However, we are so prone to only go that far. We will only acknowledge this blantant truths as mere statments, and will refuse with our lives to practice to imperatives wighted so heavy in the statments. The Great Commission is all about the acceptance, but also heavy in the practice. In the Glocal Reformission we are so quick to affirm the reform, but are so hesitant to carry out the mission. I agree with everyone who says this mission can only be carried out properly when it is grounded in the truth we seek to stand on boldly. However, we are far to comfortable in setting up our proverbial lounge chairs on that mountain and retire with our lives.
Let us be people of the Reform as well as carrying out the Mission. Let us imbed our lives in the glocal calling by carrying out the Great Commission by obeying the Great Commandment that we might serve to the Glory of our Great God. Holding fast to the axioms of Scripture and flying hight the banner of Salvation.
Check out for the A of a GCR message.
Looking at the just the title, one must understand to meaning of Axioms. It is defined as a self-evident truth that requires no proof; a universally accepted principle or rule. ( This describes well the 12 statments of Truth laid out in the message. No one would deny the things that need to take place. We are all are all ready to accept these truths, as we have every agreeance to do such a thing. However, we are so prone to only go that far. We will only acknowledge this blantant truths as mere statments, and will refuse with our lives to practice to imperatives wighted so heavy in the statments. The Great Commission is all about the acceptance, but also heavy in the practice. In the Glocal Reformission we are so quick to affirm the reform, but are so hesitant to carry out the mission. I agree with everyone who says this mission can only be carried out properly when it is grounded in the truth we seek to stand on boldly. However, we are far to comfortable in setting up our proverbial lounge chairs on that mountain and retire with our lives.
Let us be people of the Reform as well as carrying out the Mission. Let us imbed our lives in the glocal calling by carrying out the Great Commission by obeying the Great Commandment that we might serve to the Glory of our Great God. Holding fast to the axioms of Scripture and flying hight the banner of Salvation.
Check out for the A of a GCR message.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
It's pretty remarkable how much one can learn from younger people when we just take to humility to listen and reflect on their words. In hanging out and conversing with 11th grade guys, a buddy and I were trying to instill and teach precious Truths to these fellows so that those very Truths will be used to change lives. As I am recalling things which I desired to share one thing important came to mind. I found it so interesting that it seemed to either be the only thing we really harped on or what we were talking about always came to light in this Truth.
This doctrine of Truth is that of Regeneration. Listening to many sermons and messages in the short life I think I have lived (though my body feels it has been much longer) I have heard very few sermons on this. Though I can't help but see it has oh so vital for salvation, as the Scriptures so expose. In reading through Ezekiel, it is screamed from the ink on the pages. The people awaited this New Covenant that which was to sprinkle (Hebrew: toss) with clean water take out the heart of stone and but in the heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:25-27). This was so that we COULD walk in His statues and obey His commandments. I can't help but to think of John 3 in this case where Nicodemus asks Jesus how we are born again. Jesus answers him, "Truly, Truly i say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."(ESV) Paul says that we are new creatures. The essential element of salvation is not what most of the American Church has made it out to be. It is not merely behavioral change but nature revolution.
I used this analogy: Imagine a pig in the sty eating slop. That pig enjoys what he is chowing down on. God then comes along and regenerates that pig to a human. The once pig now human will realize what has been his diet and it will now be of filth to him. He could feel guilt, shame, a sense of what he was and what he is now could and should respond in worship of the one who changed him. The human now goes and consumes food that which is good and pleasing to a human. He or she can time to time return to the slop but eventually that produces shame and no satisfaction.
This is the beauty of it. RC Sproul says it like this,"God saves us for himself, from himself, and by himself." There is so much theology backed into Jonah 2:9 which says,"Salvation belongs to the LORD." (ESV).
The last part of the text of Ezkiel 36 plays over into chapter 37. When God takes dead, dry bones and brings them to life. I can't help but notice the beautiful parrallel drawn from Ephesians 2. When God takes that which is dead in its trespasses and sin and gives it life in Jesus Christ.
Now let us reflect and give praise to the God who has given life to that which was dead
This doctrine of Truth is that of Regeneration. Listening to many sermons and messages in the short life I think I have lived (though my body feels it has been much longer) I have heard very few sermons on this. Though I can't help but see it has oh so vital for salvation, as the Scriptures so expose. In reading through Ezekiel, it is screamed from the ink on the pages. The people awaited this New Covenant that which was to sprinkle (Hebrew: toss) with clean water take out the heart of stone and but in the heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:25-27). This was so that we COULD walk in His statues and obey His commandments. I can't help but to think of John 3 in this case where Nicodemus asks Jesus how we are born again. Jesus answers him, "Truly, Truly i say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God."(ESV) Paul says that we are new creatures. The essential element of salvation is not what most of the American Church has made it out to be. It is not merely behavioral change but nature revolution.
I used this analogy: Imagine a pig in the sty eating slop. That pig enjoys what he is chowing down on. God then comes along and regenerates that pig to a human. The once pig now human will realize what has been his diet and it will now be of filth to him. He could feel guilt, shame, a sense of what he was and what he is now could and should respond in worship of the one who changed him. The human now goes and consumes food that which is good and pleasing to a human. He or she can time to time return to the slop but eventually that produces shame and no satisfaction.
This is the beauty of it. RC Sproul says it like this,"God saves us for himself, from himself, and by himself." There is so much theology backed into Jonah 2:9 which says,"Salvation belongs to the LORD." (ESV).
The last part of the text of Ezkiel 36 plays over into chapter 37. When God takes dead, dry bones and brings them to life. I can't help but notice the beautiful parrallel drawn from Ephesians 2. When God takes that which is dead in its trespasses and sin and gives it life in Jesus Christ.
Now let us reflect and give praise to the God who has given life to that which was dead
Monday, March 30, 2009
Back to The Baics
Reflecting on this past weekend at Lawndale Baptist many things come to my mind. Finishing last in the amazing race, staying up late and waking up feeling like an old man in the morning, watching guys get it when Theology is discussed, and also taking to heart so much of what I myself am teaching to those who are shortly going to follow behind. One of the basics that never quite left my mind was that the importance of Repentance. As we shared our hearts and sins that so often intangle, I couldn't help but to reflect on what we are to do as we poor out or sorrow over our sins and cry out in dependence on God. That being repent. We as believers are to be a body of those who shove away the pride that comes with justifying our sins, and see our true depravity.
Martin Luther's first point of the 95 Theses was that the christians live is one of on going repentance. The more I translate this to the every moment mentality it is supposed to be in my life the more I am depending on the work and sufficentcy of the Cross, as well as seeing the filthiness of my own Righteousness.
How effective would the Body of the Church be if we would daily apply the lifestyle of the repentant one? How much humility would we possess when he come to the reality of our wrong doings against one another and most importantly against our Creator? How servant like would we be in knowing the depth of our wickedness and what Christ has done for us?
As we reflect on what Christ has done...
Let us be a people of Repentance.
Martin Luther's first point of the 95 Theses was that the christians live is one of on going repentance. The more I translate this to the every moment mentality it is supposed to be in my life the more I am depending on the work and sufficentcy of the Cross, as well as seeing the filthiness of my own Righteousness.
How effective would the Body of the Church be if we would daily apply the lifestyle of the repentant one? How much humility would we possess when he come to the reality of our wrong doings against one another and most importantly against our Creator? How servant like would we be in knowing the depth of our wickedness and what Christ has done for us?
As we reflect on what Christ has done...
Let us be a people of Repentance.
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